Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

kemuslimahan ski tmc (geodetic engineer)

SKI TMC has a special department in which the care of the affairs of the kemuslimahan department. This is aimed at the geodetic muslimah. View of the meaning of the word itself muslimah is a that islam is their religi,so anyone who considers themselves Muslimah are included in the objectives of this department. Department kemuslimahan have some studies that  held every two weeks mushola held in geodesy, then shop here to serve Muslim women confide in friends about the Muslim religion, but it can also consult the look and everything about Muslimah, there is also acommon agenda and bikes riadoh together. Other Proker thecreation of food and Mading, Mading glittering things in cooperation with the media. Department kemuslimahan dikoordinatori bygeodetic techniques Saptiana Mardhiyah geodetic engineer  year of  2010 and several members of the Azmiyatul arifati TGD 2009, Hesti geodetic engineer of  2011, yusva geodetic engineer of  2011septi geodetic engineer of  2011and 2011. Hopefully the department is able to give more to the usefulness of the Earth geodesy and geodetic give change for Muslim women.

Im sorry that is a bad structure language....

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